How do I edit line items?

The Paytron bills product allows you to add line items to your bills to capture detailed accounting and tracking information. You can edit line items on a bill while it is still in a draft state. Start by navigating to your bills dashboard, you can g


You can edit line items on a bill while it is still in a draft state. Start by navigating to your bills dashboard, you can go there directly using the following link:

Select the bill you want to edit by clicking on it in the table, this will open the Update bill slider.


Paytron allows you to choose between extracting line items and working with them in detail or working with them at a very basic level. To edit a line item, you’ll need to select Extract line items.


You can do this from the bill slider under the section labelled Accounting Treament. Once you’ve selected Extract line items, select Edit line items to open the Edit line items and tax treatment page.

Once you’re in this view, you’ll see any line items currently saved to your bill. On this page you can edit any of the existing line items on your bill or add new ones.

In this view, you edit several different fields on your line items including descriptions, accounting codes, tax treatment and tracking categories.


To change items in bulk start by selecting the lines you want to change by using the check boxes on the left hand side.


Whenever you make a change to one line you’ll be asked if you want all selected lines to be updated, or just that single line.


When you’re done, select Save at the bottom right hand side of the page to save your changes and go back to the main bills slider.